Sunday, March 16, 2008

10 years ago...

k Amy, here's the tag...haha not much was going on in my life 10 years ago, but here it goes.

10 years ago I was 6 years old going to first grade. I had Mrs. Clark. She was really mean and always said the word, 'jiffy.' I think this is the year that my sister Lindsay got married to Brad. Haha I don't really know her without Brad. I don't think I was doing too much with my life then...except working on perfecting my chuggs in clogging.

*5 things to do on my list today*

1. Study for my biology test and finish my english homework.
2. Paint flowers on my toes.
3. Figure out a way to answer to prom.
4. Do Personal Progress, possibly.
5. Go to Sunday Dinner.

*5 snacks I enjoy*

1. nachos and a cold vanilla coke.
2. starlight mint milkshakes.
3. dried mangoes.
4. sweedish fish.
5. grapefruit with salt (sorry amy, i copied that one, but it's so good)

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionare?

"-What are you gonna do with your $20,000?
-Buy a giraffe...what about you?
-Quit school.
-School is for fools. Look at meee!!!" -Mr. Deeds.

First I would buy a new iPod....then I'd get a sweet car. Then I would go to Italy, Greece, Australia, France, Africa, and China again. And I think it'd be fun to do what Deeds did...just give a bunch of money to random people.

*5 places I have lived*

1. Centerville, Utah
2. My old room.
3. My new room.
4. the playhouse.
5. umm....yeah i can't think of anything else.

*5 Jobs I have had*

1. cleaning the basement bathroom for jeff for 50 cents at the most.
2. working for Kelin doing random stuff....from sorting beads to washing her car to bagging food.
3. Dick's bakery in the decorating.
4. babysitting sometimes.
5. cleaning my dad's truck for a few Washington's.

*5 things you don't know about me*

1. i love to read, as weird as it is.
2. i love farmland bacon. (yes, only farmland)
3. i'm a fan of old school country...thanks to jeff.
4. i'm always the last one to finish at lunch....idk why.
5. i can't wait to drive the iron clad :]

k, i tag katy, kirstin, ali, jordan, and brysen.

1 comment:

Brad and Lindsay said...

gotta love that farmland bacon!