Sunday, January 2, 2011

Not for me.

So, today I was thinking. Weird, right? Anyway, I have liked a lot of guys in my lifetime...and somehow a lot of guys have liked me. Most of them have given me lots of good memories and good times to look back on, but there are a few that just make me so mad. Let me tell you a story, just for a good example.
This summer I went out with a friend of a friend, which may or may not have been on the 4th of July. I had a blast! He was so much fun and we had a great time together. So I went out with him again. When I told my mom about it, she said to me, "He just got back from his mission...he's looking for a wife." HA HA HA. Me, marriage? I thought it was hilarious how she would think for a second I would succumb to the white dress. I just wanted to have fun. So we dated for about 3 1/2 months and we had some good times! Then all the sudden he decides to break it off because I didn't want the relationship to move to marriage. Yikes. Dodged a bullet on that one. BUT then he has to be a butt about it and totally ignore me when I see him, delete/untag all pictures of us on Facebook, and be a total jerk to me about it after. That, my friends, just makes mad. Most people say you can't be "just friends" after a relationship, but I see it very possible. He could have been a very good friend, but he had to go and ruin it. Bummer.
I could share lots of similar stories, but I'll leave it at that. I could also tell endless stories of horrible dates, but what if someone reading knows about the date? So I'd just like to share part of the song, "Not for Me" by Marshall Crenshaw:
"Yeah I know what happened last time
And someday you'll wake up to find that
You've be waiting around for something
You'll never see
I don't have to wonder I know definitely
That it's just not for me
So I know what not to do
Cause I learned from you
I feel sorry for you
And I hope that someday I can thank you"

So that's what I want to do. Say thank you to every guy I have ever dated that has either treated me right or been a jerk. You've made me stronger and smarter and I know a little bit more about what to do next time around.