Monday, April 20, 2009

p-p-p-poker face...p-p-poker face...

ha. so it's been....what? 4 months? yeah, so i thought i'd update a bit. i've pretty much just been working my butt off at school and staying busy with volleyball.

i had a tournament in denver a few weeks ago and it was SO fun. i got to know my team a lot better. most of the girls on my team are really my coach kinda forced us to get to know each other. she asked some girls one time, "have you ever really tried to get to know kelsey? she's a pretty funny kid. you should try it sometime." we did pretty good overall...we took 21st out of 108 teams. it was a blast. there's a pic of my team standing on the coyote ugly bar. haa. a pic of us walking downtown denver, and a pic of a girl on my team putting orajel in another girls toothpaste...which was super funny.

i also went on the biology trip like 2 weeks ago to california....which was freakin awesome. we went to sea world, old town, wild animal park, disneyland, universal studios, a whale watching thing, the beach, and six flags. the highlight of the trip was definitely the ride X at six's amazing. i went with my friend stephanie, but she doesn't like roller coasters, so i spent most of disneyland and six flags with a few fellas. it made it a lot less dramatic.

morp was about a month ago, i think. it was probably one of the funnest dances i've been to. i asked david lowe, who i didn't really all. but he was hilarious. we quoted movies pretty much the entire time while everyone thought we were crazy. we had a pretty big group. for our day activity we went to rockreation in salt lake and went rock climbing. then we had dinner at caroline's house (i'm not really sure who she is...she just asked to be in our group) then went to the dance and had fondue after the dance. the theme was "saturday night fever." we had pretty good fun dressing up.

besides trips and stuff, i've had a ton of fun with my friends doing random stuff. it was wacky wednesday at school a couple months...and we went all out, unlike the rest of the school. it was fun. we usually go to lunch at my house because stephanie LOVES our toast, thanks to our new toaster that my dad spent way too much money on. the last pic on here is karly, me, and stephanie in ap art.
anyways, that's pretty much my life right now!