A is for age: "i am 16 going on 17..." what a lame song. i will be 17 in 3 months and one day.
B is for burger of choice: i prefer a cheeseburger actually. with fry sauce, lettuce, and occasionally pickles. i'm not a huge fan of fried burgers...i like them off the grill.
C is for the car I drive: i drive our tahoe but it's not mine. i wish i drove the old ford, also known as the iron clad.
D is for your dog's name: i don't have a dog. we used to...but i'm pretty sure it hated me.
E is for essential item you use every day: the potty. or anything with music coming from it.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: king of queens. always has been, always will be.
G is for favorite game: like kristin said, i love cards. but, i also love the enticing thrill of monopoly.
H is for home state: good old utah. i met someone from california who called me a utard...ha.
I is for instruments you play: umm...i kinda play the piano. i stopped taking lessons though.
J is for favorite juice: i'm a fan of orange juice. but, on some days, apple juice is glorious.
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: ha. i'll keep that to myself. WAIT! i would love to kick any member of rascal flatts in the "bum."
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: cripes...i don't know if i can remember. probably robintinos.
M is for your favorite Muppet: kermit the frog.
N is for number of piercings: one on each ear :]
O is for overnight hospital stays: none...i've never really been injured or really sick. maybe i'm defective.
P is for people you were with today: my mom and dad, amy, todd, averi, briggs, maggie, dalton, lindsay, brad, max, sadie, jeff, ashlee, gordon, roberta, and then some people that i didn't really know....we were at the cabin.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: since when do i have "quiet time?" umm...sleep, watch movies, read, anything.
R is for biggest regret: i don't have any regrets.
S is for status: bored!
T is for time you woke up today: i'm not exactly sure....i think like 9:30 or 10. i fell asleep on the couch last night while everyone was all telling jokes and stories...i missed out.
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: hmm. i have c.d.o. it's like o.c.d., but the letters are in alphabetical order; like they should be. that's all i can think of.
V is for vegetable you love: vinegar cucumbers :] haha i hope that counts as a vegetable...
W is for worst habit: procrastination. me and a friend even have a club! u.o.p.c. (utah's official procrastination club) we'll have more members once we get around to telling people about it.
X is for x-rays you've had: none. unless you count the dental ones.
Y is for yummy food you ate today: ha! i had tons. oreos, cheddar chex mix, vanilla coke, etc.
Z is for zodiac: scorpio. what a lame question.